Dienstag, 27. Februar 2018

Puyo Puyo Tetris offers an all-you-can-eat puzzle buffet

Puyo Puyo Tetris

Sega may have their roots in console manufacture, but they’ve come a long way as a PC games publisher, with fewer and fewer titles being left console-exclusive. The latest to make the hop over is Puyo Puyo Tetris, Sega’s well-regarded fusion puzzle game. The PC release, available now on Steam and Humble, is budget-priced compared to its retail console debut last year.

Sega sent us a pre-release copy, so I’ve been putting it through its paces, and am happy to say that outside of a couple of technical wrinkles, this is a great port of a very generous package of block-puzzling variants.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun http://ift.tt/2FcXEe1
via ifttt

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