Samstag, 30. Juni 2018

Minotaur blends cyberpunk visual novels and Sierra adventures

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My favorite trend in gaming is finding ways to add new gameplay elements to visual novels, and today I’ve got a hybrid for y’all that looks craaaaaaazy great. Minotaur is a VN with a cyberpunk art style, beautiful animations, and a point-and-click adventure game interface. Striving to be a mix of Zero Escape/Danganronpa and Sierra/LucasArts clicky-cutes of yore, it looks like it nails the blend. There’s also a demo available to try today. Cyberpunk worlds with magic elements seem to be en vogue and I am HERE *clap* FOR *clap* IT *disappears from existence*


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun
via ifttt

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