Mittwoch, 21. August 2019

Watch Dogs Legion's version of London is surprisingly accurate

As was observed by some guy who used to work here (RPS in peace), it’s really weird when bits of the UK turn up in games in an authentic way. Which is to say, in a way that isn’t over-the-top Victoriana Steampunk. I say I say. Tea and crumpets. (Not that I don’t like crumpets, or drink an amount of tea that means I get caffeine headaches without it, obviously.)

Anyway, the refracting of “things in-game are not real life -> my real life things appearing in-game -> my real life not real???” is so weird that when I was offered hands-on time with Watch Dogs Legion at Gamescom, I spent most of my time running around central London enraptured, shrieking the names of locations as they appeared where they are supposed to be, like a combined tourist/tour guide/idiot.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun
via ifttt

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