Donnerstag, 28. Januar 2016

Battlefleet Gothic Does Galactic-Scale 40K In March

It might not openly be about spaceships which listen to The Sisters of Mercy, but I think the spirit’s there. I wrote only yesterday that the darkly cute Dawn of War aesthetic seems to be the de facto look for Warhammer 40,000 games, and now here’s Battlefleet Gothic proving me wrong, and trying to look like the sort of ornate and broody artwork (think ‘powersuited murder-Catholicism”) we see on the front of Games Workshop sourcebooks. This is the game in which Warhammer 40,000’s eternal battle goes galactic, as the 40K universe’s biggest hitters send a few thousand tonnes of extremely spiky flying steel to blow holes in each other. We’ve known about Armada [official site], Tindalos Interactive’s PC adaptation of the tabletop game, for a year now, and the thing’s out in March.

… [visit site to read more]

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun
via ifttt

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