Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2015

Well Duh: Rise Of The Tomb Raider Coming To PC

Remember how Square Enix were fannying about with Rise of the Tomb Raider [official site], playing tedious word games and falling silent to pretend that their neck-impaling sequel would be an Xbox exclusive when clearly it wouldn’t? You’ll never guess what: it is coming to PC after all!

Well, the word games aren’t quite over – it may or may not be exclusive to Windows 10 (more below). But yes, “early 2016″ is when it’ll come our way. As I’ve been dutifully ignoring the game until Squeenix stopped playing around, I suppose now’s the time for me to flood you with details and gameplay trailers.

… [visit site to read more]

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun
via ifttt

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