Montag, 6. Juli 2015

Episodic Awesome: Telltale’s Minecraft – Story Mode

When Telltale announced that they’d be working on an episodic Minecraft adventure game [official site], the old hound cynicism sloped across my chamber and nestled its head in my lap, looking up at the screen with eyes like sorrowful saucers. He let out a wheezy whine. The size of the license is more important than the potential for pleasant, semi-passive interactive storytelling, it seemed to say.

The first trailer, which you can see below, has sent the cur scurrying back to his den within the scullery. Story Mode doesn’t look particularly interesting, during this initial glimpse, but the direction Telltale are taking is clearer. It’s somewhere between the blocky playfulness and creative commentary of The Lego Movie, and the ongoing adventures of a thousand Minecraft Youtubers.

… [visit site to read more]

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun
via ifttt

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