Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2020

Electronic Wireless Show podcast episode 121: the 2020 awards special

A character from Paradise Killer: a blonde woman in a black catsuit and a golden skull mask.

Welcome, gentle listener, to the 2020 Electronic Wireless Show podcast game awards special! No, not an entire show about Geoff Keighley’s cavalcade of trailers (and some awards sometimes), but a bumper episode where we make up our own award categories, and then give them to the deserving games of 2020. These include The Ronseal Award for doing what it says on the tin (podcast not actually sponsored by Ronseal, so it does sort of feel we’re missing a trick here) and the Very Tiny Men award for tiniest men.

We talk a lot about Nate accidentally impaling a child and chugging loads of milk because he had literally no other choice. There is an update on the scaffold situation at Matthew’s house. Also, the Emotions Gorilla pays us a visit.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun
via ifttt

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