Mittwoch, 29. Mai 2019

Monstrum 2 turning roguelikelike survival horror multiplayer

After trapping us inside a derelict cargo ship for the roguelikelike first-person survival horror of Monstrum, developers Junkfish will next cordially invite us and our pals to a rotting seafort platform where more a monster will try to hunt us down. Or, if you play the monster side of this equation, congratulations, willing idiots are delivering themselves for dinner in Monstrum 2. Bon appetit! The Scottish studio announced their first-person survive-o-escaper sequel today with the big fancy feature of 1v4 multiplayer. Once again, squishies will be trapped in a rusting procedurally-generated hellmaze and try to escape while the monster tries to clobber ’em, only now the monster’s a person. And man, we know, is the real monster.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun
via ifttt

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