Mittwoch, 26. September 2018

Kine is a beautiful, musical puzzle game to watch out for

I like puzzle games because they expose how our brains process the world differently from one another. I love words, but am terrible at anagrams. When I look at a cloud of letters I can’t process how they might fit together into a neat line again. Other people are the opposite, or are good at logic puzzles where you must conform to a specific set of rules. This is why different people find different bits of The Witness cheaty and impossible. The person who finds all sections of The Witness easy will one day be our supreme ruler.

I’m good at mazes. I’m good at puzzles where you have to move something around a 3D space. I can just sort of see how they work. Kine is one of those puzzle games. It’s a solo dev project by Gwen Frey, and I played it at EGX and I want to play it again immediately. Kine is about little machines that are sort of like instruments (a piano, an accordion, a drum kit) and want to become musicians. You pivot and roll them around a sort of cardboard cityscape.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun
via ifttt

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