New week, new PC games! It's another mercifully brief four day week in the UK due to reasons of religion, so let's roll with an appropriately snappy intro that avoids any extended digressionary preambles about, oh, I don't know, magpies fighting outside my flat this morning. Did you know that European magpies are great mimics? Second only to the Northern Mockingbird, apparently, though many ornithologists contend that the Brown Thrasher is sorely overlooked. You certainly hear their vocal range when they squabble - I reckon somebody should train up a ChatGPT AI on their calls and no, stop it, I'm doing an anecdote!
Those new PC game releases, without any further ado about birds: Minish Cap-esque shmup Minishoot Adventures (2nd April); Cuban fantasy metroidvania Saviorless (2nd April); culinary defence game Kitchen Crisis (3rd April); Dorfromantikal world builder Planetiles (3rd April); rhythmic robo-dystopian roguelike Beat Slayer (4th April); 90s biker's delight BMX Streets (5th April).
from Rock, Paper, Shotgun https://ift.tt/ui2JGUp
via ifttt
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