Montag, 13. Februar 2023

The Last Spell's magic ruined the world, and I'm so here for it

Too many spells in games are just variations on the old reliable fireball. Wizard sends projectile towards target. Target dies. Perhaps they deviate a little in how quickly they die, or how large the area of effect is. Maybe instead of a fireball it's a thunderbolt, or a poisonous gas, or a beam of light. Pish, I say. Pish! Where's the real magic? Where are the cataclysmic spells that take days or weeks of preparation, and then change the world with a single fateful ritual?

These games could learn something from The Last Spell, a roguelite turn-based tactics game about defending your village each night from hordes of mutant beasts that emerge from the purple fog surrounding the entire world. Whenever I start a new game in The Last Spell, I always rewatch the excellent opening sequence, which succinctly sets a harrowing scene of magic pushed further than we're used to seeing in most fiction in general, let alone games.

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from Rock, Paper, Shotgun
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