Mittwoch, 24. Juni 2015

Spector On VR: “If Someone’s Sneaking Up Behind Me With A Baseball Bat, I Want To Know About It”

Mad Donna's gonna git ya

Yeah, I should probably have gone with the “VR is a fad” quote that everyone else is using, because it’s the ooh, contentious bit and it would fit into one line in our headline box, but c’mon, this one’s much more fun. But yes, Warren Spector, he of various Deus Exes and Thiefses, has (unknowingly) sided with John in the great virtual reality opinion wars of 2015. They’re both dangerously wrong of course, but more importantly he’s excited about Cuphead.
… [visit site to read more]

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun
via ifttt

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