Freitag, 26. Juni 2015

Artful Dodging: Why Invisible, Inc.’s Rewind Button Is Great

Are you the kind of person who finds the stealthy route through every Deus Ex level, and who strives to ghost and no-kill every Dishonored level? Me too, but recently I’ve started to realise there’s a cost to playing this way. A perfect ghost run requires just that: perfection. Being spotted is a blemish on my record that I just can’t abide – so the second a guard sounds the alarm or raises their weapon, my finger is on the quick-load button, breaking the flow of my own experience and snapping the fiction of whatever game I’m playing.

But Invisible, Inc. [official site] does something miraculous. It solves that problem with a single button, because when my favourite agent finds themselves at the business end of a guard’s semi-automatic with no chance of escape, there’s always another option: rewind.

… [visit site to read more]

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun
via ifttt

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