Montag, 26. Oktober 2015

Snookering You Tonight: Pure Pool’s Snooker DLC Out

I'm gonna be snookering you tonight.

Professional snooker is the most gentlemanly of sports, played in actual theatres by sullen men wearing bow-ties and waistcoats. The snooker I know is played in campsite entertainment rooms with Black Lace’s Agadoo blasting, where Bigger Kids block the pockets with empty Coke cans to hog the table all afternoon off one twenty pence piece. The snooker DLC for Pure Pool [official site] sadly is neither of these, set in the same swanky ball club.

Pure Pool may not be the best pool game, but it is one of the shiniest. If you want to snook it up too, the DLC’s out now.

… [visit site to read more]

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun
via ifttt

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