Dienstag, 22. März 2016

Everything Wrong With The Division: A Helpful Guide

I’m absolutely loving The Division. And WOW, is there a lot wrong with The Division [official site]. Ubisoft’s obsessive-compulsive need to create games that feature maps designed for the obsessive-compulsive to clear may be becoming a little farcical at this point, but having spent many happy hours tidying up Far Cry Primal, I now find myself spending even more happy hours ticking off icons in their barely-an-MMO third-person shooter. And the reason is simple: the action is good. It’s fun to have gun fights while gliding between cover, picking out enemies with carefully placed headshots, then being told by passers-by that without you there’d be nothing to live for.

Despite being an online game, you can solo pretty much everything apart from the Dark Zone, the game scaling for teams of one – no need to have other people spoiling it for me. It’s endlessly rewarding to find a better gun, pair of gloves, mod for your jacket, or build your own, or buy one from a store. And it features checkpoints in extended quests, which is something I’ve never seen in an MMO before. So yes, lots of good reasons to be having a splendid time with Ubi’s phenomenally successful shooter. But oh good grief, it’s a bloody mess.

… [visit site to read more]

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun http://ift.tt/1Rea04e
via ifttt

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