Freitag, 29. Mai 2015

Still Peepin': Free Expansion For Gods Will Be Watching

The third thing I do every morning, after groaning and rolling off the crumpled Stella can digging into my back, is whip out the akimbo middle fingers and scowl at the sky. I’m watching you, gods.

I did not get on with what I played of narrative resource-managing moralathon Gods Will Be Watching [official site], and John was disappointed too, but the idea of big decisions and branching narrative in terrible situations was interesting. Developers Deconstructeam already gave it a going-over with new difficulty modes last year, and yesterday they released a free epilogue expansion. I wonder if their idea of it has changed much over these past eight months.

… [visit site to read more]

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun
via ifttt

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