Donnerstag, 30. April 2015

RPS Community Update: What You Did In PlanetSide 2, Guild Wars 2, Cities: Skylines And GTAV

Hi folks!

I’m Scott and I help moderate the RPS community forum. There’s some great discussions going on over there but what I’m really interested in is what the members of the community do together – whether that’s in games or out of them. Every month I’m going to provide a summary of what RPSers have been up to and how you can get involved. This month: Cities: Skylines [official site] succession games; our Guild Wars 2 [official site] guild get more involved in PvP; the PlanetSide 2 [official site] outfits do battle in a server smash; and how to join the capers of our Grand Theft Auto 5 [official site] crew.

… [visit site to read more]

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun
via ifttt

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